Τετάρτη 25 Ιανουαρίου 2012


It looks like Nahla has a new nanny.
The gorgeous 3-year-old daughter of Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry was spotted being picked up from preschool today (January 24) by a new nanny in Beverly Hills, Calif.
The couple recently made headlines when it was announced that Gabriel is being investigated for criminal child endangerment and battery against his daughter when the former nanny came forward with some incriminating information.
Police are currently conducting a criminal battery and child endangerment investigation after Gabriel allegedly pushed the former nanny, Alliance Kamdem, while she was holding Nahla. Alliance also accussed Gabriel of screaming at her in a racist rant before he allegedly pushed her.
Furthermore, Alliance has allegedly told police officials that Gabriel repeatedly yelled and cursed at her, often while Nahla was present. She claims Gabriel often yelled at Nahla, causing her to cower and cry.
Halle arrived at court today and reportedly asked the judge for an order prohibiting her ex from having any contact with their 3-year-old daughter until the child endangerment investigation against him is resolved.

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