Τετάρτη 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010


On the Late Show With David Letterman on Monday, Jessica Alba spoke about parenting her two-year-old daughter Honor.
The actress said, "She's walking and talking, she has lots of opinions. She talks about everything she wants and needs. She said she wants coffee in the morning.
"So I give her water in a coffee cup, she likes to have big girl cups and she likes big boy T-shirts and princess dresses. I didn't even teach her that stuff.
Alba added that she sets the rules when Honor gets into mischief.

"I'm very strict with her. When it's time for her to eat, whether she's hollering or whatever, it's time to eat. She gets a time out if she cries for no reason. So then she stops because she doesn't want a time out."
"Sometimes she asks me to go to time out. If she does something bad she'll say, 'Honor time out?' and I'll say, 'Yeah, you're getting a time out.' "
As for having more children, Alba says she would.
Yeah, I think so, it's the best thing ever. So, having more kids, I can wrap my head around it."

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