Πέμπτη 15 Μαρτίου 2012


 March 12, 2012
Actress, entrepreneur and very hands-on mom Jessica Alba covers the April issue of Parenting magazine, along with her beautiful daughters Honor Marie, 3 1/2, and Haven Garner, 6 months. In the interview, the 31-year-old star shares a few of her "a ha!" mommy moments, dishing on her "good cop" husband Cash Warren and revealing the most surprising thing about motherhood so far.
On little white lies: "I serve Honor flavored sparkling water - she thinks that it's soda and that's what I let her think. I told her "brown soda" is only for adults, and she believes me. Ha! And when the paparazzi follow us, and she asks me what they're doing, I tell her, 'They're just taking pictures. Isn't that silly?' I don't want her to have anxiety, so I tell her they do that to everyone, not just our family."
On motherhood: "Before I had kids, I was always so focused on my career, and it was always such a big thing for me. But once I had kids, it changed. That's probably the thing that's surprised me most about motherhood - just how secondary everything else is. Nothing else really matters to me aside from my children and their well-being."
On being the bad cop: "I'm the disciplinarian. I think it's because I was kind of a naughty kid myself: I'd push my parents' buttons and test them to see how much I could get away with. Cash, meanwhile, was always the perfect kid - the straight-A student who was everyone's sweetheart. It was never in him to be naughty. I think I just know, from being that other kind of child, how to cut off bad behavior and redirect it. So when Honor tries to do something she shouldn't, I have to say to Cash, 'Let her know right from the beginning that she can't.' I'll put her in time-out and tell her, 'Think about the choices you've made.' Then I'll come back and say, 'Now it's time to stop crying and think.' Then I'll come back again and ask her, 'Now, what did you learn?'"

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