Κυριακή 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2012


January 31- Jessica Alba and her 3-year-old daughter Honor enjoy some popsicles in this pic posted on her Twitter page.
Honor came to visit @honest office and loves sweet treat Tuesday,” the 30-year-old actress tweeted.
Jessica recently guest blogged for Lucky and wrote about finding eco-friendly kid’s clothing.
“I love clothes shopping for Honor. As she gets bigger, so does her personality and I try to help her express that through fashion. Usually I do my best to avoid synthetic fabrics and chemical finishes, but sometimes I stray after finding something too cute to refuse. (Hey, no one’s perfect, right?) The most important thing is knowing what to look for,” she shared.
“If you’re seeking safer, eco-friendly options, choose organic cotton or other natural fibers like bamboo, soy and hemp. Also, you [can] call manufacturers to learn if they use any chemical treatments or dyes,” Jesscia added, along with some of her recent purchases for Honor.

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