Παρασκευή 26 Αυγούστου 2011

Christina Aguilera Furious Over Child Abuse Allegations

Singer and songwriter Christina Aguilera is fuming over a recent suggestion that she physically assaulted her 3-year-old son Max and is threatening to sue the media website who published the allegations.
Pictures emerged yesterday of Aguilera carrying a black-eyed Max inside Los Angeles International Airport which were quickly published by MediaTakeOut.com along with an incriminating headline referencing child abuse.
“CHILD ABUSE??? CHRISTINA AGUILERA’S SON IS PHOTO’D WITH BLACK EYE!!!” was yesterday’s title, but the site has since removed the child abuse portion.
Aguilera’s lawyer, Eric Greenspan, fired off a letter to the publication threatening legal action and calling their behavior "reckless and unconscionable,” TMZ reports.
He also explains how little Max obtained the injury.
"Christina is a wonderful mother and was not present in the park when Max fell and hurt himself. To imply that she had something to do with this incident, without any investigation on your part whatsoever, is reckless and unconscionable. We reserve our client’s legal and equitable remedies of this reputable disparagement of our client’s character.”
He finishes the letter with the all-capital statement of “HAVE YOU NO SHAME!!!”
Media Take Out has responded by clearing up the confusion about their suggestions. They state that “Christina's peeps (aka lawyers) reached out to us. They assure us that the boy's injury was caused by a playground accident. Well, there you have it.”
We are wishing Max a speedy recovery and hope to see him back on the playground soon!

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