Τρίτη 30 Αυγούστου 2011

Britney Spears: I'm "Guarded With My Personal Life"

In an interview with PopJustice.com, mom-of-two Britney Spears opens up about her 10:30 p.m. bedtime and her chosen profession if she weren't famous. "I'd probably be a teacher," she says. "I'd specialize in reading and history." But when it comes to the real person behind the glitzy pop star, Brit says most people only know about "half."
Of course she couldn't help but chat about her sweet boys! What would she do if her two gorgeous sons – Sean Preston, 5½, and Jayden James, 4½ – followed in her famous footsteps?
"I'd definitely keep an eye on them, but if that's what they wanted to do then I'd let them go after it. I'd just be very protective," she says. "I wouldn't want them to go into it feeling fearful, and also nobody can really prepare you for this industry and what you experience, so I'd just have to trust that they have the instincts to know what's right and wrong and help guide them along the way."
She says she's learned to remain mum about her private life.
"I can be pretty guarded with my personal life and I've learned that's okay," Britney, 29, says. "I think your personal life is your personal life, and that should stay private." She adds, "Sometimes it's our secrets that define us."

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