Τετάρτη 7 Ιουλίου 2010


                           Happy 2nd Birthday Levi!!!
Name: Levi Alves McConaughey

Date of Birth: July 7, 2008
Parents: Camila Alves & Matthew McConaughey

Siblings: Vida (01/03/10)


- He was born in Los Angeles weighing 7 lbs 4 oz

- His name was chosen for its biblical significance, as Matthew explains: "Levi was another name for the apostle Matthew in The Bible. They were, in fact, two names for the same person. Our son was born at 6:22 pm, and this particular time represents my favorite verse in the book of Matthew in The Bible: 'If thy eye be single, thy whole body will be full of light.'"

- Levi has a pet parrot which has been spotted perched on the little boy's shoulder while out for walks with his family

- Daddy Matthew was once quoted as saying his son is "an inherently happy kid"

- Earlier this year Camila admitted that she had yet to give her son a haircut, but he was recently spotted with a brand new 'do just in time for his birthday


"He’s either going to be an astronaut because he’s always liked air traffic control... or he’s Poseidon because he’s infatuated with water." - Matthew, on his son's varied interests.

"We had to super child proof the new house because he’s motoring around like Usian Bolt and eatin like Kobayashi, Camila and I can barely keep up. We call him the fruit bandit ‘cause if there’s fruit out, he’s on it, takin it and eatin it. He’s getting bigger, more fun, smarter and craftier by the day." - Matthew, on keeping up with his busy boy.

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