Δευτέρα 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Happy 7th Birthday Sean Preston Federline!

Name: Sean Preston Federline

Date of Birth: September 14, 2005

Parents: Britney Spears & Kevin Federline

Siblings: Kori, 10, Kaleb, 8, Jayden James, 6, & Jordan Kay, 1

 ♥ Sean was born at the Santa Monica UCLA Medical Center in California
 ♥ He weighed 6 lbs & 11 oz at birth
 ♥ Originally, Britney had been scheduled for a C-section the next day (September 15) but the surgery was moved up after she began experiencing early contractions
 ♥ Sean enjoys playing Little League baseball
 ♥ His younger brother Jayden James celebrated his 6th birthday two days ago

 “We are ecstatic to announce the birth of our son! Everyone is happy, healthy and doing wonderful. Thank you for all your love and well wishes!!” – Britney announcing the birth of her first born son.
 “I like everything—the hardships, the good times. I like being able to play around and watch my kids laugh and scream. It’s hard to say to somebody who doesn’t have kids.” – Kevin on fatherhood.

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