Πέμπτη 13 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Happy 6th Birthday Jayden James Federline!

Name: Jayden James Federline
Date of Birth: September 12, 2006
Parents: Britney Spears & Kevin Federline
Siblings: Kori, 10, Kaleb, 8, Sean Preston, nearly 7, & Jordan Kay, 1
♥ Jayden was born in Los Angeles, Calif. at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
♥ He arrived via C-Section
♥ Jayden was born just two days before Sean’s first birthday
“My priorities have changed, and I do everything for (the boys). They remind me what life is really all about.” – mama Britney on motherhood.
“Sean and Jayden have missed out on so much [stability] with me and their mom being so busy all the time. Now we’ve both agreed that this is it, they are going to be at school and learn what it’s like to be part of society as normal kids.” – papa Kevin on providing his two boys a sense of stability.
“If my sons [Sean and Jayden] told me they wanted to be in the entertainment business, I’d lock them in their rooms until they turned 30.” – Britney on not wanting her sons to follow down her famous path.
“I’ll have them working at Micky D’s. That’s how we had to do it! I worked at a car wash. I worked at a pizza place. Things like that made me.” – Kevin on wanting to keep his two boys grounded.

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