Τετάρτη 25 Ιανουαρίου 2012

Seal On Heidi Klum: "She Has Given Me Four Incredible Gifts"

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Seal and Heidi Klum may be ending their marriage, but the singer still thinks the world of the model-turned-mogul and mother of his children.
"The thing that I'm most proud about this great woman who I married - and I really do mean that from the bottom of my heart - is that together she has given me four incredible gifts, four beautiful children," Seal told Ellen DeGeneres during an appearance on her talk show ( January 23).
 For both of the devoted parents, their priority is to keep things peaceful for those children - Leni, 7, Henry, 6, Johan, 5, and Lou, 2 - and to navigate through the divorce "with dignity."
"We still very much love each other," says Seal, who continues to wear his wedding ring as "a token of how much I feel about this woman."
But despite their deep love for one another, the 'Kiss From A Rose' singer says that the couple just grew apart over the years.
"I think we were shocked," he explains. "You go into these things with the greatest intentions when you say, 'I do' and you say ''til death do us part.' Those vows hold value. They are not just words."

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