Πέμπτη 14 Ιουλίου 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Knox & Vivienne Jolie-Pitt!

Names: Knox Léon & Vivienne Marcheline
Date of Birth: July 12, 2008
Parents: Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt
Siblings: Maddox Chivan (08/05/01), Pax Thien (11/29/03), Zahara Marley (01/08/05) & Shiloh Nouvel (05/27/06).
  • The twins were born via caesarean section at Lenval Hospital in Nice, France
  • The rights for the first images of Knox & Viv were sold for $14 million
  • Vivienne's middle name was chosen to honour Angelina's late mother
  • Knox was chosen because it was the middle name of Brad's maternal grandfather
  • The worldly duo have traveled with their family all around the globe -- including visits to Japan, Italy, Jordan & Malta
  • They are being raised bilingual in English & French
"When you look at them, it’s like they were made for each other. They smile at each other, sniff each other, touch each other. It's just beautiful." - Angie, in 2008, on the relationship between her twins.
"Knox and Viv are classic boy and girl. She’s really female. And he’s really a little dude." - Angelina, on her twins' personalities.

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